Republican Atheists was founded in 2017. This group is for those who identify as Atheist, Agnostic, Secular and related and are registered Republicans or take interest in the Republican Party.
Republican Atheists is internationally and nationally recognized, having been interviewed by United Coalition of Reason, Secular Policy Institute, Friendly Atheist and The Atheist Conservative. President Lauren Ell communicates with national and international Republican groups, as well as foreign political parties. The organization currently has one board member from North Carolina, as well as connections throughout the United States and Europe.
Republican Atheists is an online-based organization focused on building a platform for those who identify as Atheist, Agnostic, Secular in the Republican Party.

“Republican Atheists has more than one goal unique to its approach. One is to assure fellow conservatives and Republicans that not all atheists espouse Leftist views. Most vocal atheists are indeed far to the political Left, but, not only is that connection arbitrary, it actually seems to us that they are incompatible. Thus another of our aims is to show fellow atheists that their lock-step allegiance to Liberalism and to the Democratic Party amounts to a quasi-religious faith commitment. If only they would apply the skepticism they have regarding religious claims to the (completely unrealistic) aims and claims of the Left! We do not seek to promote atheism. Let others see to that if they feel they must. Rather, we simply want to convince fellow Republicans that we are with them politically and have no desire to oppose their faith, as well as to persuade fellow atheists that they should critically rethink their political ideology.”
-Dr. Robert Price
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