Republican Atheists has correspondents representing in various states. The correspondent position is completely voluntary and can be as involved as the correspondent chooses. Feel free to contact Republican Atheists to connect with a correspondent.

Arizona – Scott Root
Scott has been a registered Republican since 1973 – that’s over 40 years. He is affiliated with a local Republican club, and has attended numerous conservative events. He has been self-employed since 1983. He says to “Speak up for what you believe, or others will determine your future.” Contact Scott.
California – Roy Latham
I have been interested in reasoning and debate for 50 years, and active on the Internet since the mid-90s. I have over 200 debates (about 200 wins, 15 loses) on, if you would like to see some. My degrees are in engineering, computers, and statistics, so I like science topics like climate change. I worked in Silicon Valley for 30 years, including 20 with my own tech startup. My company did real time graphics for entertainment and flight simulation. I edited and published a professional newsletter on computer graphics. I retired a few years ago. I also travel regularly to Arizona; we have a house near Phoenix. My wife is an immigrant from Taiwan; she has a PhD in mathematics. Contact Roy.

Colorado – Courtney Blanco
Courtney lives with her husband and amazing children in Colorado. Previous states she has lived in are Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Ohio. Courtney grew up in a Democratic house, but always held conservative principles (minus the religious aspects). In 2010 she registered as a Republican, and looks forward to becoming more involved in the Republican Party in Colorado. Contact Courtney.

Florida – Dean O. Erickson II
I was born in Rockford, Illinois and moved to Davie, Florida in 1979. Baptized Lutheran, I attended a Southern Baptist high school where my first hard look at religion and its people began a multi-year and multi-cultural search for help in determining if an outside force in complicit in our everyday lives. I designated myself as an atheist in 2013. During that search, I studied several major and minor religions, in preparation to teach about those religions as part of international management program based in Sweden. In Sweden nearly six years, I decided that the socialist approach may offer a wide support net but that support comes at the cost of the individual’s permissibility to excel beyond the average. I returned from Sweden in 1997 as a registered Republican. I am a full-time REALTOR® and a part-time graphic designer, donating about 300 hours each year to designing promotional materials for The Sunshine Kids, a charity that provides group activities and emotional support for young cancer patients. Contact Dean.

Florida – Charles Hunter
I have always been a registered Republican and a conservative in my personal views. I am born and raised in North Florida and am an avid outdoors man. 2nd Amendment is very important to me and my family, as are all the other amendments. A strong supporter of the U.S Constitution. Veteran of the U.S Military. I was a single father and raised 3 daughters alone. I have been an Atheist my entire life. I am a retired businessman who specialized in Boatworks, such as welding, mechanics, fiberglass boat and marine product design, fabrication and repair. I now own a small farm and enjoy the rural life. Contact Charles.

Georgia – Chris Jansen
Chris has a degree in molecular biology and works in IT. He has been a Republican ever since he was in elementary school, where he wrote fan letters to Ronald Reagan. After many years as a Southern Baptist, Chris discovered the works of Joseph Campbell, which opened up the wider world of art and literature and closed the door forever on religious fundamentalism. He considers himself a compassionate, open-minded conservative who wants to alleviate suffering and promote human flourishing with the tools of reason and evidence. Contact Chris.

Illinois – VACANT
Iowa – Ben Rollins
I am a 6-year veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps (1980-1986) and 6-year veteran of the Army/National Guard (2006-2012). Disabled Iraq War veteran. I am a husband, father, and grandfather. I also work as an independent film and television commercial actor, and a substitute school teacher. Contact Ben.
Kansas – Randy Hemm
Randy is a retired Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer. He is a veteran of the United States Air Force in electronics communications. He spent most of his working career in electronics fields and data communications. He has been a Republican most of his life except one time in a moment of weakness when he voted for Jimmy Carter and regretted it ever since. He was a Christian, or tried to be, for about 30 years until he finally let go of the fear and realized he was not believing any of the brainwashing that religion was preaching. He is an advocate of the 2nd Amendment and holds a Concealed Carry Card. Contact Randy.
Maryland – Shawn Poulson
Hello! I’m Shawn Poulson, a Republican Atheists correspondent from Maryland. After committing to atheism 5 years ago, I began my learning on philosophy, theology, and its application in morality and politics. My findings have lead me to align with the Republican Party. I serve as vice chairman on my local Kent County Republican Central Committee ( where I discuss and vote on state and local level Republican initiatives. Contact Shawn.

Massachusetts – Jeff Raymond
Jeff has professional background in freelance and proposal writing. He is a member of his local Republican group, is an elected official and has volunteered for a number of GOP candidates. Contact Jeff.
Missouri – Max DeVill
I was born in St. Joseph, MO – Home of the Pony Express! I was extremely active in forensics and debate in high school and founded St. Joseph Atheist Alliance in 1994. In the spring of 1996 I moved to Gainesville, FL, and founded Gainesville Atheist Alliance which became a U of F partner organization in 1997. I moved back to MO, this time Kansas City where I began performing escape artistry and mentalist effects for audiences under the moniker Dr. Max DeVill. I have been a conservative my entire life and have been members of both the Libertarian and Republican Parties – although I have always felt more at home as a Republican. I really believed in Ron Paul’s message of personal responsibility and America First. I am a disabled veteran and work as a web developer and a comic book writer – my first comic to be published is Mary Machinegun and is due out Oct 2020. I also work directly with Play to Beat Brain Cancer, a charity that helps families cover expenses while their family members are battling brain cancer.

Nebraska – Jen Young
Jen has been a registered Republican her entire life. She is a retired police officer and former NRA firearm instructor. Jen spends time with her husband while remodeling their 118 year old home. Contact Jen.
Nevada – Anthony Episcopo
Anthony earned a masters in social studies education, and is now a World History teacher at a high school in Nevada. He supports the right to bear arms, non-intrusive government, national borders, and low taxes. Anthony grew up Methodist, but left the church at 15, finding an evidence based approach to understanding the world that is more relevant than faith. This approach he applies to his political stances and the world around him. In his free time Anthony enjoys staying active in the outdoors of the Western United States. He is involved in the Nevada Firearms Coalition and the local chapter of the Republican Party. Contact Anthony.

New Hampshire – Dave Winslow
Dave is a retired software engineer who has been a registered Republican for over 11 years. He is an “originalist” when it comes to the Constitution. “Harry Browne taught me, we are all exactly who we are supposed to be.” Contact Dave.
New Mexico – Erin Raines
Born and raised in the four corners area. I was raised in a Catholic home, but it was not a major part of my life. I converted to Christianity during a summer camp, and it became a major part of my life. So much so that all the way through college, while receiving a degree in Biology, that I remained a young earth creationist. (I also left college as a liberal). Fast forward several years, I got a journeyman position working at a coal fire power plant. Working in the real world, paying taxes and other events led me to lean much more Republican. My deconversion occurred while I was using the bible to try and prevent a good friend of mine from becoming a Jehovah’s Witness. I started having major doubts about the whole thing. I walked away from religion completely about 4 years ago. I am avid about the separation of church and state, constitutional law, and small government. Contact Erin.
New York – VACANT

North Carolina – VACANT
Oklahoma – Jamie Stopforth
Jamie works in IT and is interested in the economy, lower taxes, the job market, immigration and self protection. He is more than happy to communicate with atheist Republicans and conservatives. Contact Jamie.
Rhode Island – VACANT
South Carolina – Jake Goss
I grew up in a typical Texas conservative Christian home. Similar to many other Republican Atheists’ members’ stories, the Christianity didn’t stick. I now live in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and work in the construction industry. I’m a father of two children still in school. As far as culture is concerned, I would say I represent the rock and roll extreme sports crowd. I am a veteran with seven years of service in the Air Force and served one tour in the Middle East. I have been a member of, or have followed most, conservative and atheist pages on Facebook. Highlighting that conservative atheists exist and that Christians can trust us is becoming more important every day. I look forward to working with everyone in Republican Atheists to further the cause of free markets and individual liberty. Contact Jake.

Texas – Darrel Scott
Darrel has voted for Republican presidents his whole life, and has voted for Republicans on most occasions for lower office. He is originally from Indianapolis and has been living in Texas since 1990, soon retiring from the Air Force in 1992. Darrel became a pronounced atheist in 2012, and had skepticism of gods for over 20 years before then. Contact Darrel.

Utah – Ramon Homan
Ramon’s origins began thoroughly inculcated in the Christian church in homogenous small-town Pennsylvania raised by devout Christian grandparents. Luckily, he left that bubble and joined the Marine Corps and subsequently the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department. This certainly shook his early up-bringing at its core in many ways. How long has he been an atheist? Although he did his best to believe what was taught to him by loved ones, he would align with Pascal’s Wager in that, “I am so made that I cannot believe.” No matter how much he wanted to believe, he could not. Politically, he has always been conservative although he parts ways with our Judeo-Christian conservative friends who desire a religious or bible-based government. Contact Ramon.

Washington – Maurice E. Tunstall Jr.
Maurice works as an instructor pilot and a city commissioner. He is an active member in a local Republican group, is a member of Black Conservatives of America and is a founder of a local atheist group. He was in the military for 13 years before leaving due to a neurological illness which he has fully recovered from. Contact Maurice.

West Virginia – Alex Glasier
Alex replanted in West Virginia from New York and has professional background is in the legal sector. He is affiliated with CPAC, NRA and Gun Owners of America. Contact Alex.
Wisconsin – Stephen Moore
I am a retired naval officer, and I currently work in logistics for a large retailer. I have an undergraduate degree from Northwestern University, and a Masters degree in business administration from Webster University. I have been an atheist for as long as I can remember. I don’t have a religious background, and I have very limited knowledge on any religion. I grew up in a conservative household in a conservative small town so I have always identified with the Republican Party. I ran for city council twice and won both times and I look forward to bringing that knowledge and experience to the group. Contact Stephen.

Sweden – Lauren Ell
Ell grew up around Swedish-American culture most of her life in Southern California. She learned the Swedish language in the United States and has been residing in Sweden since early 2016 with her Swedish partner. Contact Lauren.

Venezuela – Raul D. Empaire
Official correspondent on issues surrounding Venezuela. Empaire has traveled between US and Venezuela for decades and is an experienced translator and analyst. Questions about Venezuela will be forwarded to Empaire. Send your questions here.