Board Members
Lauren Ell
President and Founder
Ell has identified as Atheist for over a decade and registered as a Republican in 2015. She was born and raised in Southern California and currently lives in Sweden most of the year. Her education background is in Marketing (California State University, Northridge) and Geology (Humboldt State University). She is a business owner, works as freelance marketing consultant and is a part time English and Swedish instructor.
Ell has been featured in NPR, Sweden’s Television (SVT). Tv4 (Sweden), The World, PJ Meida, Sweden’s Radio and Mamamia (Australia).
Lauren has a history with epilepsy and has been seizure-free for four years.
Visit Lauren Ell’s website LaurenEllTalk.com. Connect on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Shawn Poulson
Board Member
Hello! I’m Shawn Poulson, a Republican Atheists correspondent from Maryland. After committing to atheism 5 years ago, I began my learning on philosophy, theology, and its application in morality and politics. My findings have lead me to align with the Republican Party. I serve as vice chairman on my local Kent County Republican Central Committee where I discuss and vote on state and local level Republican initiatives. Contact Shawn.

Board Member – VACANT
Board Member – VACANT
Director of Election Affairs – VACANT
Regional Managers
Region 1 – Northeast – VACANT
Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania
Region 2 – Mid west – VACANT
Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas
Region 3 – the South – Shawn Poulson
Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Washington D.C.
Hello! I’m Shawn Poulson, a Republican Atheists correspondent from Maryland. After committing to atheism 5 years ago, I began my learning on philosophy, theology, and its application in morality and politics. My findings have lead me to align with the Republican Party. I serve as vice chairman on my local Kent County Republican Central Committee where I discuss and vote on state and local level Republican initiatives. Contact Shawn.
Region 4 – the West – VACANT
Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Hawaii