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Republican Atheists introduces four new Regional Managers

Republican Atheists is excited to introduce four Regional Managers who represent the South, Northeast, Midwest and West regions of the United States.

Regional Managers assist with communicating with Republican Atheists’ Correspondents in their region, while also assisting with Republican Atheists’ state level Facebook groups. The organization hopes Regional Managers will do more communication with the public over time.

Here are our new Regional Managers..

Regional Managers

Republican Atheists New YorkRegion 1 – Northeast – Skuyler Szigethy

Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania

I have a degree in fire protection and practice fire safety plan writing and consulting in NYC. I’m licensed by the state of NY to carry concealed (No, it’s not a myth! No, you don’t need to be a cop!). I’m a strong second amendment supporter and am a trained NRA safety instructor in Home Firearm Safety. I believe that a small federal government and individual freedom along with personal responsibility make for a more productive society. I’m also a writer of short stories and a member of The Planetary Society. I study history, astronomy and politics in my free time and I love to learn. Contact Skuyler.

Steve Anderson Director of Election AffairsRegion 2 – Midwest – Steve Anderson

Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas

Steve is an Academic and Political Strategist from the suburbs of Chicago. He has worked in both local and state level political campaigns, and identifies as a Humanist. Contact Steve.


Shawn Republican AtheistsRegion 3 – the South – Shawn Poulson

Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Washington D.C.

Hello!  I’m Shawn Poulson, a Republican Atheists correspondent from Maryland.  After committing to atheism 5 years ago, I began my learning on philosophy, theology, and its application in morality and politics.  My findings have lead me to align with the Republican Party.  I serve as vice chairman on my local Kent County Republican Central Committee where I discuss and vote on state and local level Republican initiatives. Contact Shawn.

Republican Atheists CaliforniaRegion 4 – the West – Roy Latham

Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Hawaii

I have been interested in reasoning and debate for 50 years, and active on the Internet since the mid-90s. I have over 200 debates (about 200 wins, 15 loses) on debate.org, if you would like to see some. My degrees are in engineering, computers, and statistics, so I like science topics like climate change. I worked in Silicon Valley for 30 years, including 20 with my own tech startup. My company did real time graphics for entertainment and flight simulation. I edited and published a professional newsletter on computer graphics. I retired a few years ago. I also travel regularly to Arizona; we have a house near Phoenix. My wife is an immigrant from Taiwan; she has a PhD in mathematics. Contact Roy.

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