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Republican Atheists welcomes New Mexico Correspondent Erin Raines

Republican Atheists is proud to introduce Erin Raines, Republican Atheists’ first correspondent in the state of New Mexico.

Here is some information about Erin..

“Born and raised in the four corners area. I was raised in a Catholic home, but it was not a major part of my life. I was converted into Christianity during a summer camp, and it became a major part of my life. So much so that all the way through college, while receiving a degree in Biology, that I remained a young earth creationist. (I also left college as a liberal). Fast forward several years, I got a journeyman position working at a coal fire power plant. Working in the real world, paying taxes and other events led me to lean much more Republican. My deconversion occurred while I was using the bible to try and prevent a good friend of mine from becoming a Jehovah’s Witness. I started having major doubts about the whole thing. I walked away from religion completely about 4 years ago. I am avid about the separation of church and state, constitutional law, and small government.”

You are welcome to contact Erin by emailing info[at] Erin is happy to connect with you.

Republican Atheists currently has 21 correspondents representing 19 states. We are always seeking Correspondents. The primary requirements are to identify as atheist and be a registered Republican. For more information please email info[at]

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