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Republican Atheists’ President spoke to a class based in Denmark

Republican Atheists’ President Lauren Ell spoke to a high school class based in Denmark on October 21, 2020, about her views on the 2020 US Election.

The teacher of the class reached out to Ell via email inquiring if she would be interested to speak to his class on a Zoom livestream for a half hour. He learned about Ell through another organization she is affiliated with, known as Nordic Republicans, which focuses on networking with Republicans in the Nordic region (consisting of the countries Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Iceland). Note, Ell is also affiliated with the organization Republicans Overseas (Sweden).

Ell responded that she was happy to speak to the class. This was her first opportunity to speak to a class, as well as to do a livestream presentation.

While she was not representing the organization Republican Atheists, she did share with the class that she has identified as atheist for over 15 years and why she decided to register Republican despite the party’s emphasis on religion.

During the presentation Ell discussed her background, how she came to hold her political views and how she became involved in political organizations. The students then asked questions regarding voter fraud, how Americans living abroad vote, the role of the vice president, Trump and Pence’s denial of climate change, if Trump has delivered on his key promises, etc. The students were courteous and listened well.

At the end of the presentation Ell mentioned that she had been to Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, a number of times. She likes the cycling culture in Denmark, and was also amazed to learn that the amusement park Tivoli, located in the center of Copenhagen, inspired Disneyland.

Afterwards Ell inquired for feedback regarding the presentation, and the teacher gave glowing remarks.

Thank you, we enjoyed the presentation too. I think it went well too. The students commented that you were refreshingly straightforward and “not like a politician”, which I of course had told them that you’re not. You did not speak too fast and your personal story gave a good foundation for understanding where you come from and how you arrived at your beliefs. You come across very authentic.

Ell is happy to do public speaking engagements via livestream for groups that are interested. For more information email info[at]

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