US Supreme Court

Republican Atheists rejects expanding the number of Supreme Court Justices to 13

Republican Atheists rejects the Judiciary Act of 2021 that calls to expand the Supreme Court to 13 Justices. Read more about the Judiciary Act of 2021 at this link.

Here are statements by three of Republican Atheists’ Board Members:

Lauren Ell: “Attempting to change the number of Supreme Court justices on a whim because Democrats want to control the court is absurd. This bill is an overreach of power and should be rejected outright.”

Scott Root: “Republican Atheists stands with conservatives in denouncing any change to the Supreme Court. The direction of the Democrats’ agenda will lead to Communism.”

Roy Latham: “Republican Atheists supports the separation of powers in the three branches of government as fundamental to a system of checks and balances that prevents the excesses of one-party rule. Justices Ginsberg and Breyer both are on record opposing the expansion of the Court. It is widely recognized as fundamental to a stable system of government.”

Photo credit: Lauren Ell

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