The Handmaid’s Tale: The Dystopia the Left never saw coming

Protester’s in red cloaks received some media attention recently for pro-choice demonstrations and largely anti-conservative and anti-Trump views. The irony here is that by portraying the characters of Hulu’s TV-series The Handmaid’s Tale, these left-leaning protesters are actually misguided by both Hulu and the Democratic National Committee. The writers of the series so desperately want the viewers to link the oppressive theocracy of the new America on the show to the Republican party and obviously to President Trump. The writers fail to realize almost all the negative aspects of the new America, called “Gilead” in the show, would arise not if the Republican party had unlimited control, but if the Democrats were left unrestrained.

Let’s start towards the beginning of the events that lead up to the forming of a new government and ultimately a whole new country. Terrorists target the capital and end up taking out many members of Congress. This somehow leads the American government to suspend the Constitution, and obviously with it, the Bill of Rights. If we take a quick look at which political party really doesn’t care about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, you’ll find much evidence in the platform of many of the politicians running for President that the left is all but willing to suspend your rights granted by our forefathers. Just for starters, it was Elizabeth Warren who brought up the idea of abolishing the electoral college, something built into our constitution to prevent mob rule. Then there’s the obvious anti-Second Amendment movement that has surrounded Democrats for years now. But recently the attacks on the First and Fifth Amendments have really shown us who the modern left is. Conservative censorship in the media, on college and high school campus grounds have forced the President to issue an executive order to secure our First Amendment rights. With Brett Kavanaugh and his accuser bringing forth absolutely no evidence other than her words, the left condemned him as a would-be rapist. Forget trial by jury, forget due process, forget the notion of innocent until proven guilty. It is the “progressives” who care little about the Bill of Rights and are a much more realistic party to suspend the Constitution in a time of crisis.

In The Handmaid’s Tale, viewers notice the meek women walking about cloaked in red always seem to be moving quickly past armed guards with watching eyes. It’s only these silent sentinels that are armed. No one else in the show has access to guns. These soldiers are obviously government employees, and the citizens of Gilead are left with no firearms to defend themselves when the government comes knocking with accusations. Many episodes depict characters homes being invaded, and residents are inevitably shot by these menacing-looking men armed with the demonized AR-15, of course. Now, let’s think here – which party warns about the dangers of giving up gun rights because of the possibility of an oppressive government? It certainly isn’t the left. The Democratic primary debates were a who’s who of gun grabbers who almost all want to outright ban “assault weapons” – a term they made up in the interest of public safety. But, will they also disarm the Secret Service, or the police, or the military? You tell me which political party, if given complete control, would end up disarming its citizens.

Perhaps the most important part of the show is the theocracy that now controls all aspects of life in Gilead. This religion is not exactly referred to as Christianity, but the main players do read from the Bible, and although the Christ is not mentioned, the parallels drawn to the Christian right are not lost on the viewer. This is probably what feminists had imagined would happen if Trump took the oath of office. Although the Bible does have some terrible passages about women and gays in it, this is far from what any rational minded Christian wants for the United States. While the left loves to hate on Christianity, let’s look at a group they love to protect and put up on a pedestal – Muslims. Some left-leaning intellectuals, like Sam Harris, do condemn Islam as a bad idea and believe its more harmful than Christianity and for that they take a lot of heat from Democrats and social justice warriors. This isn’t the norm. The left likes to pretend that Islam is a peaceful religion and while this is really a much deeper topic than I care to get into here, I do want to point out that it’s not in Christian nations that gays are jailed, beaten, and killed but instead within Islamic countries under Sharia Law.

Sharia law is possibly one of the most dangerous issues happening behind the scenes on the left side of politics. Because no one wants to offend anyone and everyone has to be so politically correct, this terrible set of morals has crept its way through Europe and has already made its way into some US districts. If you haven’t checked out Ilhan Omar’s district in Minnesota, do yourself a favor and google it. This set of ideas has reduced London’s version of a First amendment to nothing more than a piece of paper. England has bowed down to the invading Muslim refugees and its not doing the country any good. There are some countries in the world where atheism is punishable by jail and some where you can be killed. The left’s idea of religious oppression in the US is a joke compared with any Middle Eastern country under Sharia Law. It is in Muslim controlled countries that women are not equal to men. Gender pay gap? How about female genital mutilation. Sexism in the work place? How about having acid thrown on your face for denying a marriage proposal. While we all know the left is very eager to embrace atheists, or in their minds “anti-Christians,” they will not denounce Islam for what it is. Fox News did a street report where Muslims in New York City were asked if they believed Sharia Law was above the Constitution, most said yes. This should be a very scary thing. With the potential for radical Islam in the world, I’m stating that the theocracy in Gilead would not come to be with Republicans in power, but instead from the failing politically-correct culture of Democrats.

The writers of The Handmaid’s Tale love to thrown in some one liners, usually emphasized with a curse word, that probably has eager feminists nodding their heads with a “you go girl!” attitude. There’s lots of man hating that had me rolling my eyes. Other little hints at the left agenda include ICE agents pulling the lesbian family apart at the border to Canada. I mean, you can’t get more obvious than that. The show likes to shield itself in small scenes like these but when looked at a little closer, the show is gravely mistaken on what would happen if Republicans had total control. I imagine all the social justice warriors lining up on election day in 2020 trying to vote out the bad man who wants Gilead to come to fruition and not even understanding who they’re trying to bring in to “save them.”

Republican Atheists New YorkSkuyler Szigethy, Republican Atheists’ Northeast Regional Manager and New York Correspondent

I have a degree in fire protection and practice fire safety plan writing and consulting in NYC. I’m licensed by the state of NY to carry concealed (no, it’s not a myth! No, you don’t need to be a cop!). I’m a strong second amendment supporter and am a trained NRA safety instructor in Home Firearm Safety. I believe that a small federal government and individual freedom along with personal responsibility make for a more productive society. I’m also a writer of short stories and a member of The Planetary Society. I study history, astronomy and politics in my free time and I love to learn. Contact Skuyler.

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One Reply to “The Handmaid’s Tale: The Dystopia the Left never saw coming”

  1. Erik Ryfa

    Great Job.
    As a fan of fiction, I am often amazed at how leftists do not see the irony in their portrayal of a dystopian fascist world which engages in all the policy’s they actually want.

    BTW I am R.I. correspondent for Republican Atheist.

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