Dog sticking out tongue

Republican Atheists was cockblocked by David Silverman

Republican Atheists’ President Lauren Ell was recently invited as an additional commentator on a Youtube interview about “woke atheists” that was originally planned to only feature former president of American Atheists, David Silverman. Ell accepted the invitation from the Youtuber, but Silverman ultimately decided to not have her on the show.

Ell reached out to Silverman inquiring why he turned her down from being on the show hosted by a Youtuber who has 29k+ subscribers. Silverman said he did not want to be challenged.

We are sharing this information because Silverman has become a “go-to” spokesperson by podcasters to discuss “woke atheists,” yet has shown he is on his own “woke” agenda by denying Republican Atheists a speaking opportunity.

Additionally, Silverman currently collaborates extensively with Atheists for Liberty, a well funded organization that has networked within conservative atheist groups, as well as Republican Atheists’ group, for support. Silverman has falsely stated that Atheists for Liberty is the only “not woke” atheist organization. Ell noted to Atheist for Liberty’s President Thomas Sheedy that this was an inaccurate statement, as Republican Atheists should also be recognized as “not woke,” but Silverman went on to say it again in another interview.

Atheists for Liberty to this day has not given an official shout out to Republican Atheists. At this point they do not appear to be a genuine organization seeking to showcase conservative atheists or atheist Republicans. The odd thing is that they make it seem like they are from social media posts, for example, in the tweet they posted below.

Nevertheless, Republican Atheists continues to seek speaking opportunities and engage with the public. We are just not finding support from David Silverman or Atheists for Liberty.

We are just going to leave this commentary here for the public to know if they ever happen to come across Silverman or Atheists for Liberty in the public arena. Hopefully they start to be more genuine in their efforts of speaking on behalf of atheists they claim to represent.

Featured photo: Jenn C/Schutterstock

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