Lauren Ell impeachment trial interview

Republican Atheists’ President Lauren Ell featured on national Swedish media

Republican Atheists’ President Lauren Ell was featured on national Swedish media on January 21, 2020, to discuss the impeachment trial in the Senate pertaining to President Trump. She represented her other organization, Nordic Republicans.

Swedish Channel 4 was interested in hearing an American Republican perspective on their livestream broadcast that focused solely on the impeachment trial. A Channel 4 representative got in contact with Ell, whom is currently located in the far north of Sweden. The recording was filmed via Skype before the live broadcast, and then played during the beginning of the livestream segment.

The representative from Channel 4 thanked Ell for sharing her views, and asked if he could contact her again in the future for further Republican opinion. There is a possibility the channel may contact Ell when the 2020 Presidential Election nears.

Sweden’s Channel 4 is the most prestigious media outlet Ell has been featured on yet. She hopes Swedish media, and Nordic media in general, will seek out the perspective of American Republicans on American politics. View the video on Channel 4’s website at this link.

Interested in seeing Ell featured more on mainstream media? We recommend that you personally contact media outlets and journalists to urge them to inquire for Ell’s opinion. This will help bolster the recognition of atheist Republicans.

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